by Jasiah Ponti

My tears are heavy. My head is heavier.
My heart has sunk down deep in my chest as it’s beating at a rapid pace.
I sit here in silence as my mind’s screams cause chaos and destruction.
I cry quietly in a room full of people cause I don’t want to be seen like this.
I want to scream, let it out, and be free but will others still accept me?
Tell others how I really feel, rather than “I’m ok” when in reality I’m not.
It’s as if I’m trying to scream underwater when I know others will never hear me if I don’t use my
voice above water, so I’ll find reasons to use my voice in the hectic world we live in.

I am a 21-year-old writer, photographer and musician. I was adopted at age 11 by my 4th-grade teacher. I’ve dealt with my own mental health issues that hinder me from time to time. Till this day my childhood trauma is today's writing inspiration. I write so you know don’t cry alone.