by Phil Huffy

Walk with me in our sublime direction,
pursue the heartline where the future lies,
without the need for pause or introspection,
a journey without question or reprise.
Do not look too deep, you won’t see clearly
the pathways that my footsteps may have tread,
for all I care to offer you, sincerely,
are moments in the life now being led.
All those slings and arrows misdirected,
and any traumas that I may have known,
are simply pale penumbras now collected
and secrets best considered as my own.

Phil Huffy writes early and often at his kitchen table while casting a wide net as to form and substance. In the past few years, his work has appeared in over one hundred journals, both online and in print. He has published three collections, one of which, Magic Words, is also available as an audiobook.