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Strong Woman, Broken Girl

by Michaela Calloway

Side view of a woman with dark hair standing wearing a white silky night gown
Image credit: Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash

Has anyone ever loved me?

Or just my body?

Or just my energetic lust for life?

Does anyone want to know me?

Or do they only want to know the good parts?


I have built a persona to show the world

It isn’t false, just incomplete

It is a piece of me

but not the whole

I do not feel obligated to share all of me to the whole world


I am not particularly humble

I don’t think it is in a woman’s best interest to be too humble

I know that I am beautiful,



And popular


I know that many women envy my assertiveness

I know that many women are in awe of my audacity

That I do what I please,

say what I think,

don’t let people push me around,

and jump into each new adventure

without looking to see where I’ll land


I know men admire my body

I know they are entertained by my quick wit

and badass attitude

I know that most see me

and wish that I was something

they could possess and cage

Most men are unworthy of my presence

let alone my attention

So, I don’t give it unless earned


I am proud of myself

I am proud that I have made myself a life

worth living

I am proud of myself for making

my own definition of what a woman should be

I am proud of myself for no longer

trying to be the woman I was told

I had to be


I have done so much for myself

I have created a life that is fulfilling,


and meaningful

I have purpose and joy

I am happy much of the time

But something is missing,

something outside of my control.


Yes, the woman I have become is fully me

I feel and know her in my soul and every part of my body

but she is not all of me

Alongside her exists the broken little girl I was before

That little girl is sad, angry and loud

She has every right to be

She was treated like she was nothing

and forced to be something she wasn’t


I am sorrowful that she didn’t have the tools to be herself

but I am eternally proud of her for

despite everything

knowing in her soul that something was wrong

that she deserved better

that she was something more


Granted, her existence often causes me pain and inconvenience

Yet I have grown to love and respect her

She has always done her best

She kept my head above water until I was strong enough

to be the woman I am now


It would appear that I am the only one

who can also love the broken little girl inside me

Everyone loves the strong woman I am

but once I slip up

Trust someone enough to be vulnerable

and let her out of her cage

putting my brokenness on display

People turn away



Does the sad little girl truly negate the strong woman beside her?

I feel as though I have spent my entire life

screaming into the void

That I am not an object for consumption

Yet over and over again I am used and discarded



I used to have lofty ideas of love

I thought love was a state of being

a state of knowing all the good and bad

messy and beautiful parts of a person

and still standing back in

awe and admiration


Now I wonder if

love is just a lie

you tell people to keep them in your bed


Despite all of this I continue on, and pursue every good thing available to me in this life

Black and white image of a woman jumping.
Image credit: Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

I continue to jump not knowing where I’ll land

I continue to love every part of myself

I continue to love others fully

Not knowing if anyone will return the favor

I indulge the hope that exists in the girl and the woman

that someone will be able to see the messy, broken, and amazing

pieces of me

and stay

Over and over again

I jump


Black and white photo of the author, Michaela Calloway.
Michaela Calloway

Michaela Calloway is a Colorado based author who crafts stories and poems that explore what it means to be human. Her work often explores her own experiences as a lesbian woman, as well as the process of breaking free from societal expectation and being one's truest self. When she isn't writing, she can often be found reading, drawing, or playing roller derby. redrosethorns is her first professional publication.

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