by Carole Greenfield
What I love about winter are its sunrises, deep rusty rose
and gold, soft glimmer, silver shaving of moon, indomitable
gleam of Venus in a blue-green sky, how it takes and fills,
empties heart and lungs, leaves me with nothing but light,
clear panes of glass to see through, how it wipes away
grit and grime of sleep, grudges and old holdings, leaves
me readied to receive twin blessing of star shine and moon
shadow, clouds burnished bronze and polished copper,
the here and now of one more winter morning,
one more day to love, one more way
to praise, one more chance
to sing.
Carole Greenfield grew up in Colombia and resides in New England, where she teaches English Language Learners at a public elementary school. In the previous century, her work appeared in such publications as Red Dancefloor, Gulfstream and The Sow’s Ear; more recently, it can be found in places such as Amethyst Review, Sky Island Journal and The Plentitudes. Her first collection, Weathering Agents, was released in summer 2023 by Beltway Publishers.