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Home: Welcome


We hold a profound belief that feminism transcends mere equality; it is a powerful force for empowerment. 

Our mission is to create a supportive space that empowers individuals to connect with their authentic selves, find their voices, and collectively work towards dismantling the patriarchy. We are dedicated to constructing a more equitable society that celebrates diversity and inclusion. Our approach consists of two key elements: delivering coaching services and workshops to nurture self-worth and providing a platform for individuals to express their unique voices confidently.


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Welkom by redrosethorns!

CBT-afrigting &  Werkswinkels

Ons een-tot-een afrigtingsdienste en groepwerkswinkels is ontwerp om jou te lei om jou innerlike stem te vind en te genees van stres of trauma.

Publikasie geleenthede

Voorleggings is oop vir ons aanlyn joernaal, waar 'n mens hul skryfwerk kan indien wat gesentreer is rondom geslag/seksualiteit, geestesgesondheid, selfversorging en bemagtiging.

redrosethorns events

redrosethorns magazine cover - ed1 community connection-

redrosethorns tydskrif

Ons eerste jaarlikse literĆŖre tydskrif is in 2022 gepubliseer. Hierdie uitgawe is gevul met poĆ«sie, onderhoude, kortverhale, kunswerke en meer, alles gesentreer rondom die tema GEMEENSKAP/VERBAND

In 2023, we released the second edition of our literary magazine, teeming with poetry, interviews, short stories, artwork, and various creative works, all meticulously curated to harmonize with the central theme:


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Black & White
redrosethorns magazine cover - ed2 home belonging

In 2024, we released the third edition of our literary magazine, teeming with poetry, quotes, short stories, artwork, and various creative works, all meticulously curated to harmonize with the central theme:


redrosethorns Gemeenskap

In die redrosethorns-gemeenskap glo ons in die krag van gemeenskap, aangesien ons kollektiewe self formidabel is. En so het ons 'n ruimte geskep waar ons nie net kan verbind nie, maar ons idees, gedagtes, persepsies en ervarings kan deel wat wie ons is in hierdie komplekse samelewing beĆÆnvloed en beĆÆnvloed. 


LET WEL:Die gemeenskap is tans in aanbou. Teken asseblief in by onsNuusbriefvir opdaterings. 


Ons stemme is ons krag, en ons verbinding is ons krag.  

heart made with flowers

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Our voices are our power, and our connection is our strength.  

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Ā©2020 deur redrosethorns. Met trots geskep met

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